Residential Rates

The charges on your bill will depend on the location of your residence. There are customers that will have electric and water services, some will have electric only and others may have water service only. Electric and/or water services are available to any resident that is located within North Branch Water & Light's service territories. The charges for the services that you receive will be itemized on your bill. If we receive a check back for non-sufficient funds you will be charged $30.00.

Electric Basic Service Charge
The electric basic service charge is a base charge for electric service. Every residential electric account will be assessed a basic service charge regardless of electric usage. The basic service charge is needed to cover the costs associated with supplying reliable electricity to our customers. The residential basic service charge is currently $15.08 per month.

Residential Electric Charge
The residential electric charge is determined by the amount of electric usage (kWh) per billing period. There is nothing else associated with this charge.

                                        2022 Electric Rates

                First 500 kWh charge is 13.68 cents per kWh
                Over 500 kWh charge is 13.29 cents per kWh

Water Basic Service Charge
The water basic service charge is a base charge for water service. Every residential water account will be assessed a basic service charge regardless of water usage. The basic service charge is needed to cover the costs associated with supplying water to our customers. The residential basic service charge is currently $20.00 per month.

Residential Water Charge
The residential water charge is determined by the amount of water usage (per thousand gallons) per billing period. There is nothing else associated with this charge.

                                         2022 Water Rate

                                    $5.70 per 1,000 gallons

Water Testing Fee
According to the Minnesota Statutes, section 144.3831, we are required to collect $9.72 annually from every water service connection location. Each month there is a $0.81 charge on your bill that is collected and sent to the Minnesota Department of Health on a quarterly basis.